Detecting guest User Permissions and guest User Access Status in SQL SERVER

When SQL Server is installed by default, the guest user is disabled for security reasons.

There are many ways to get guest user status:

Using SQL Server Management Studio

You can expand the database node >> Security >> Users. If you see the RED arrow pointing downward, it means that the guest user is disabled.

Using sys.sysusers

If you notice column dbaccess as 1, it means that the guest user is enabled and has access to the database.

SELECT name, hasdbaccess
FROM sys.sysusers
WHERE name = 'guest'

Using sys.database_principals and sys.server_permissions

SELECT name, permission_name, state_desc
FROM sys.database_principals dp
INNER JOIN sys.server_permissions sp
ON dp.principal_id = sp.grantee_principal_id
WHERE name = 'guest' AND permission_name = 'CONNECT'

Using sp_helprotect

the following stored procedure will give you all the permissions associated with the user.

sp_helprotect @username = 'guest'

Disable Guest Account

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